Autor: adminLegal

Sophia Heyder

Sophia Heyder Legal Protection of Memes If you scroll through social media pages, you can not avoid memes. They are quick to create, all you need is a picture or video clip with a text comment. It is common to take pictures from other people and to edit them. The question is whether the author of the image must tolerate the use of his image. A meme is an image out of a video or picture. In combination with a line of text, it is typically amusing in nature. The humorous and amusing side of it often comes with slight

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Halil Kardicali

Halil Kardicali «Importance of Soft Skills as an In-house Lawyer» Consumer protection is a matter of various branches of both private law and public law.  As well as regulations aimed at protecting consumers in legal transactions in the goods and services  markets, regulations prohibiting the use of certain chemical substances in the production of  nutrients, which sets forth mandatory standards in goods offered to consumers. In fact, the  consumer has been protected for many years by rules of various legal fields, including but limited  the Law of Obligations, Commercial Law, Administrative Law, Penal Law within the general legal  system in

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Ali Yilmaz

Ali Yilmaz Continuing Education in Legal Management. How to continue specializing? It is a prevalent point of view that continuing education after acquiring a job is mostly attributed to promotion or salary increase. However, as a matter of fact, the main rationale behind is often overlooked and obliterated and seen as a chore, a burden or something overwhelming. On the contrary, continuing education paves the way for many opportunities, not only for work and wage related matters but also for everything that requires success, passion and determination. In today’s Turkish law system, laws, regulations, circulars, rulings and court decisions change

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Carolina Lobato

Carolina Lobato Inovação jurídica em prática: Legal Design já é realidade em departamentos e escritórios Abordagem que busca aplicar princípios do design na prática jurídica, o Legal Design já é realidade nos departamentos de empresas e escritórios brasileiros de advocacia. Com o objetivo de promover, por meio de soluções inovadoras, mais transparência, clareza e acessibilidade aos documentos, além de automatização de fluxos e melhor tratamento da base de dados, o método tem mostrado resultados positivos e satisfação do meio jurídico e dos usuários. Com o Legal Design, o Direito, área conhecida pelo senso comum como burocrata e de mudanças lentas,

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Shubhi Sharma

Shubhi Sharma Creation or acquisition of Capital Asset- Corporate Social Responsibility The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) holds that businesses should examine how their  actions may affect the environment and society. It is the possibility that an organization ought to  assume a positive part locally and think about the natural and social effect of business choices. It is closely linked to sustainability- creating economic, social and environmental value- and ESG, which  stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. The focus has shifted from CSR to social purpose in recent years. Many businesses have changed their  focus from having a community

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Carlos Valenciano

Carlos Valenciano 5G: El habilitador de la transformación digital en México El 5G es mucho más que la evolución natural de un estándar en las comunicaciones móviles que mejorará la experiencia del usuario de esta tecnología; entraña un cambio en la forma en que, como sociedad, entenderemos y viviremos la conectividad y la evolución de sus casos de uso pues, a la fecha, solo se han comercializado un tercio de todas las potenciales aplicaciones de 5G. Respecto de las generaciones que le anteceden, el 5G implica una sustancial mejora de las velocidades de banda ancha móvil, de la disponibilidad, capacidad

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Eduardo Hirano

Eduardo Hirano 10 Tips to Help In-House Lawyers Become Valuable Business Partners In-house lawyers have the potential to significantly impact a business by becoming valuable business partners. They can leverage their legal knowledge to support the company in designing strategies that align with the unique aspects of the business model and organizational culture. However, the biggest challenge lies in transitioning into a business partner role and getting involved in business matters, as lawyers typically specialize in legal affairs and may lack expertise in other areas. To become effective business partners, lawyers should understand their customers, learn about their operations, identify

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Bárbara Leighton

Bárbara Leighton La equidad de género y el mundo legal “Sé que no hemos roto el más alto y duro techo de cristal al que nos enfrentamos, pero lo haremos, y espero que antes de lo que podemos pensar ahora mismo”. Son parte de las palabras que Hillary Clinton pronunció luego de haber perdido la elección presidencial de EE.UU. en 2016. Ella se refería a todas las mujeres que, preparadas y con destacables trayectorias, no han podido alcanzar los más altos cargos en política o en su carrera profesional. Han pasado 6 años desde entonces y, a pesar de que

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Nived Tayal CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 2019 – A LAW IN THE INTEREST OF THE CONSUMERS The title of the new Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (“2019 Act”) captures in the least number of words the whole and sole purpose of this benevolent act. It may be countered that the erstwhile act Consumer Protection, 1986 also nearly had the same title, however lest we forget, the law was nearly three decades old, and it poignantly missed to include and inculcate the needful things that were a requirement arising out of the dynamism associated with the consumer demeanor. The new law takes care

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Ozlem Cakmak Legal work and new technologies With the improvement of the technologies and the digitalization trends, the efficiency of legal work increases accordingly. As an in-house legal, I strongly believe that, the relevant new technological innovations and digital tools have high importance while identifing and analysing the law and the regulations. But legal counsels working in sectors where information technologies are used and which have these in their infrastructure, especially accessing personal data in some way, have to pay attention to some details in their legal studies. New generation work areas such as cloud, artificial intelligence and personal data,

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